Candy Everybody Wants 〈風光背後〉  
作者:Josh Kilmer-Purcell
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007337347  
原價:NT 378 元  
售價:NT 303 元 特價:NT 189元  


Jayson Blocher is fifteen years old with a wayward mother, a disabled brother and a neighbour who thinks he’s the spawn of the devil. For so long he has worshipped at the feet of popular culture, but now he wants to be part of it, and let’s face it, what’s to keep him in Wisconsin? Even his own mother wants him to go. So Jayson heads off to find fame and fortune, accompanied by an ever-changing cast of quirky extended family members. From a New York escort agency to the glamour of a Hollywood situation comedy, Jayson searches for his destiny. Only to find that being America’s sweetheart can leave a very sour aftertaste.

十五歲的傑生·布勞赫有個任性的媽媽,殘疾的哥哥。隔壁的鄰居認為他就是魔鬼的化身。 傑生長久以來對流行文化頂禮膜拜,而現在,他希望自己能夠成為流行文化的一部分。事實擺在眼前,威斯康辛州對他而言,毫無吸引力。 即便是他的母親也希望他能夠出去闖蕩。 帶著家人的期望,傑生踏上了追尋名與利的征程。 從紐約應召女郎代理到好萊塢情景喜劇的輝煌,他在默默尋覓自己的未來。 當他回顧過去,最後卻發現成為美國的萬人迷唯一能夠給自己人生留下的便是心酸的回味。



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